My Lovers

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hell Week

I've never procrastinated so much on studying in my whole college career :(

I think it's because I moved out. It's very difficult to study in an unfamiliar place. Matt's house just makes me want to drink, smoke, and party :) which I will be doing immediately after finals.

My 22nd birthday is this Tue and I'm sad that I'll be spending it studying. Birthday aren't a thang anyway. I've always dreaded my birthday.

So for my birthday, I bought myself a complete series (from of Post Secret Books. I discovered my first book @ Urban Outfitters and I couldn't put it down. It's hmmmazing. CSUF held a Post Secret exhibit (which I think should have been much bigger) in the TSU building.

Some of the secrets broke my heart.

If you didnt know..

Now you know...

I just bought a new phone since mine came apart in two pieces today. I'm not a techy phone person because I don't want to be attached to my phone every minute of everyday. So I love cheap phones and I'm so excited about this new one. I want to just text everyone just to explore the functions of this simple phone.

So text me :)

Every since Sophia showed me the new TAVIK swimwear line, I've been obsessed. Come to find out my friend Nicole Hanriot IS THE DESIGNER. I bought my first Tavik suit today, and if you don't have one, get your self to the nearest bikini store near you and grab one. Check out and for the whole line :)



Anonymous said...

i LOVE post secret.. although i only have one book:(
and you look amazing!
have an amazing birthday!! and also, what are you taking in college?!

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