My Lovers

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Love Nest

I have fully moved in to my own room in Matt's house in Costa Mesa. It feels like home already. And yeah I have my own room for my things and my own space. The bed will function as a guest room so if you ever wanna sleep over, you can do so comfortably.

I think the best thing about moving is I don't need to deal with my mom anymore. She was draining my spirit from me. How can one person effect someone so dramatically. I hate it. She hasn't even called to see where I moved to and If I was ok. Goes to show how absent she really is. And going to Ikea has been one of my new favorite pass times.

I feel like an orphan haha.

Finals are coming up, hoping to just pass my classes.

I am doing my final paper on Michael Jackson Fandom. I have a 20 question survey that needs to be taken. If you are interested, please email me, and I will send you the survey. All the information I use will be anonymous and I will change the name to protect those fanatics :)

Life is good. Made a commitment with Sophia to start hitting the gym or running at least 4 times a week and watch what I eat. Summer is almost here and we gotta loook bangigasdllskdjfn. Come join us for a run or gym sesh :)

new and finished closet
Matt helpin me build :) My man
My wifey, My rock

love these bitches.


Anonymous said...

don't worry - moving out was the best thing I've done in a long time. Your mom will come around. Kick ass on your finals! <3 you!


Anonymous said...

everything looks good! congrats on the big step! post more pics of your new room !!

Anonymous said...

you have such a nice body!! do you have a routine at the gym? if so, do tell please :)

Anonymous said...

blog more!!

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