My Lovers

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

On with it.

I feel comfortable in my own skin enough to wear smaller shirts and skirts. But, like today, I got the most disgusting look from an older Asian lady at the cash register who was very very very polite and friendly to the person checking out in front of me. When it came my turn to check out, I recieved no hello, a look up look down like I just fucked her husband, and raised my hand out for my change as she continued to slam it on the counter in front of me. She then continued to walk away after that. What's with people like that... I mean I was born naked, why can't I continue to live in the skin that I'm in.

I say, if you're comfortable in something a bit skimpy, then go on and fucking do it. In all honesty, looks like that old bitch gave me, make me want to run around naked and do the jumping splits mid air right in her face.

started on Monday, and I've never felt so unprepared in my life. Everything that could have possibly gone wrong did... But thank god today went smoother.

On Sunday I attended Kooza. This was by far the best cirque I've ever seen. If you haven't seen it, make it a date to. Perfect date night.

trying to pick myself up from what has pushed me down to my lowest point. Matt and I are trying to work it out... Not sure if it's the right thing to do, but it's what I'm going to do. Two years is just too long to throw away. And I need to stop smoking so damn much. I'm constantly sick because of it. I've cut down on drinking almost entirely, thus cut down on going out. Not by choice but by necessity because of my DUI.

Emotional shopping should do the trick this weekend. A girl can never have too many THINGS...Just bought myself some brown and white Ray Ban Aviators, ya know for taking strolls outside..
ya dig?
And for some reason I've beeen seriously contemplating on getting some boobs. Not too crazy. Just a full B. What do you think?
What I want:

So I can jump in puddles

to wear just for sex :)

ugh neeed a newwwww computerrr..

shoes as a weapon.. i . Christian Louboutin studded peep toe.


Anonymous said...

Can you show/pad what a full B would look like on you ??? Do you want an honest opinion ?

Anonymous said...

I say, Don't do it! Ur body looks GREAT, REAL, and ATHLETICALLY perfect the way it is. ur NOT artificial, u represent HEALTH, perkiness, AUTHENTICITY, CONFIDENCE all in one look. no need for phony skanky stanky shit. U look SO good n radiant the way u are. I say, keep it real girl.

Justine said...

thank you!! you make me feel better than my boyfriend. bahahha

Anonymous said...

dont get fake boobs girl. you are gorgeous just the way you are. trust.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I don't think you should do it at all. You look very good the way you are and you shouldn't change that! Your body is so good that I think you should join this contest and let us know to vote for you!

Anonymous said...

You're so beautiful, you can easily get any guy you want and I hope you're truely happy. I adore your blog and fashion!

Anonymous said...

YW! It's def true! And u ironically will float if u drown as opposed to a girl with fakies/silicone/salene! Look it up if you dont believe me! Haha

Justine said...

bahhaha i dont even have an asssss.... thanks for the link though. shit is entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Don't get boobies!
You have an awesome body. Healthy and athletic is so way better than fake. I have yet to meet one person that looks better with their boob job than before it!

plus, sometimes getting a breast implants makes girls look top heavy and thus makes them look kinda chubby in pictures when they're dressed.
You take great pictures! don't ruin it (pictures are the only thing we'll have to look back on when we're old...)

Ultimately it's your decision since how you feel is the only thing that should matter!
but you're fine the way you are hunny :) Proportion is key!

Anonymous said...

damn justine. You too modest! You don't have an ass?? Yeah right, then I don't have a penis.

posted that shit for a reason girl. You gots a nice booty! =)

oh well, as long as you enjoyed the link! Time for me to enjoyit as well...

Anonymous said...

Kinda random but I work in lingerie and Ive seen tons of fake boobs go wrong. I know this is from the opinion of a female , so it might not have much stance from a males perspective, but they really look awful and two we have the worse time sizing fake boobs into any bra.

I honestly wanted some myself because I am not very full busted , but I`ve really come to terms with this because I think after observing so many fake breasts they are so so unappealing. Either way I am sure you`ll look great. Just thought Id give you another perspective.

Anonymous said...

i admire your beauty, and you look amazing.. i myself am an "a" cup and love how i can get attention without the chest.

you're so beautiful and dont need it!! show fake boobs that you're just as beautiful without them!!

Anonymous said...

I give you props for wearing small clothing I wish I could do it but I don't have the confidence for it. you're tiny and have a nice toned you ever feel down on yourself or call yourself fat? You always look so confident in your pics do you ever get that voice in your head?

I hope you don't stay in the relationship just because the time invested. Sit back and look at your relationship the good and the bad. I hope he treats you good girl don't settle if he doesn't! Stay strong hun


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