All my "friends" are just killing me. I refuse to answer their calls, listen to them bitch and moan, or put up with their weird inexplainable flakiness. I JUST CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. This reminds me of a phase I went through in high school with my girlfriends. I couldn't bear to be around them probably for a couple months senior year. It was very odd.
Being a woman scares me. I already can't control how I feel. Imagine when I'm pregnant. Oh Matt fears for the day. His friends wife threw scissors at him. Ahhh, no knives around me.
I don't plan on getting pregnant anytime soon or anything but ah.
So I found out I didn't get in SDSU which means I don't have to take a fucking year of spanish (hate my teacher). Which gives me 6 extra hours a week to focus on school or whatnot. I haven't slept in .... in.. I don't even remember. :( I miss the summer days where school or work wasn't a priority, just planning my days at the beach.
I can't wait. I'm pretty excited for Vegas, I haven't been too social lately. I'm trying to get an amazing GPA this year so my mom can lay off me.
I got in to Chico State (up north) but that would be my last option considering my boyfriend lives here. I'm still waiting to hear back from Long Beach and Fullerton. Crossing my fingers for both. Ahh.
I HAVE FINALLY ENTERED IN TO RUN THE HALF MARATHON ON MAY 3RD. I have begun training this month and will be intensly killing myself everyday till May 3rd. Los Caballeros has sponsored me. (paid for my entrance fee which is stupid expensive. $70.00) I'm so excited.
The problems with my family seem to get worst and worst everyday. My family meaning my mother. She has been unemployed for almost 4 months now. She doesn't appear to be looking for any jobs, just going out and dating random people. She's allowing this weird random man to sleep over three times a week. It's a bit scary since my room is right next door. I lock it of course. Her next plan of action is to sell one of our cars. Since we have 3 people in the family, my grandmother will be left without a car which isn't fair. I believe old people, especially wonderful ones like my LOLA (gma) deserve the very best treatment towards the end of their life. but my mother refuses to give her that luxury. It's quite sad. Like in the movie stepbrothers, IM GOING TO PUT MY MOTHER IN A HOME WHEN SHE IS OLD ENOUGH AND LEAVE HER THERE ALLL ALONE. That's more like a promise.
Coast report is keeping me very busy. Our paper just printed today and my story about Tom Garrison, Oceanography teacher was placed on the front page! It's a pain to get the story done in such a short amount of time, but the feedback is all worth it. Click here to read my Feature on Tom Garrison. Interviewing him was the hardest. Since I had him as a teacher, I knew him as the healthy old man he was. Recently he found out he has cancer, which shattered everything for me. He is an amazing person.
From last weekend, lame but it was something to do.
I hope your frustration in life goes away soon!
I love your blog by the way. =)
what is your workout routine for training for that half marathon?? you have a great figure by the way!
I don't really even know how to train for this Half, but I run about 4-5 times a week. 2 of them are pretty long runs but to train for this I won't exceed 10 miles per run, then about two weeks before I start to taper down to just maybe 5 miles at the most. well see how it goes. running is the best thing, im addicted
I'm also wondering wth is wrong with "my friends" lately. I think you might want to stay away & let them chill the fcuk out for a while. Why force yourself to deal with unnecessary people & drama when you don't have to, right? I think you should focus on your priorities & what makes you happy right now because you deserve to be happy, girl. No one can make you feel shitty unless you give them permission to.
For what it's worth to you:
People are often unreasonable,
illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
People may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be Kind anyway.
If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and
some true enemies;
Succeed anyway. Frank
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis.
it is between you and God;
It is never between you and them anyway.
That's my twenty-cents for you :) Hope you'll cheer up soon!
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