My Lovers

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bye Bye

I got a fucking D in American Studies. Probably the easiest class of my whole semester which I have underestimated and thus failed!!!! I'm praying I can still get credit with a D. Oh I hope so.

So my one week of Summer is gone. It was fun while it lasted I guess. Started Summer School on Tuesday at 8 fucking am. Literally rolling out of bed and dragging my zombie self to class. I hope these 5 weeks go speeding by. I'm tired of learning about shit I don't care about.

But leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning. :) Till sunday. Going with my poker friends and we have rented this amazinggggg 12 bedroom mansion. Uhh I know. Sick. 5 min away from the strip. Let the shit show begin.

cousin telly

this dancing machine.

New Vegas Suit :) Thanks Merilees U make me feel like a mermaid


Anonymous said...

You are so fricking pretty!!!!!!

- ur number one fan

Justine said...

hiii who you be? revealll yoselfffff

Anonymous said...

gosh darn you are so pretty. So is ur cosuin telly....damn...

you girls are too pretty!

-ur number two fan

Anonymous said...

Where did you get your white dress from? SO CUTE!!!

Anonymous said...

God you're beautiful. Do you do your wax or thread your eyebrows?

Anonymous said...

i will never revel myself, ima nobody who stumbled upon ur blog nd checkes it regularily.

just know that!

- #1

Anonymous said...

good choice.. i love Merilee's! you're so cute and i love that one sleeve White dress.. where'd you get it

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