My Lovers

Friday, February 20, 2009

Beat the FUCk up

I didn't think this was real. But I double checked her tattoo.. and sadly it is.

She didn't get hit by Asshole Brown, she got BEAT THE FUCK UP.

How hard do you have to beat on a girl for her to get the point? Unconcious?

I hope that little angry boy goes to jail forever.


Anonymous said...

It's terrible that this photo is circulating all over the internet. I know it makes the situation seem more real and concrete to the media but do we have a right to see Rihanna during this horrible time in her life? What if this was your mother, sister, or best friend? Would you want the public to see their battered faces? Most likely not... However, in no way am I judging you for posting this picture because like I said, it makes the situation more real and it helps raise awareness of domestic abuse(IF that's what this case really is...since we don't know the complete truth about what happened).

Justine said...

it is what it is..

Anonymous said...

I know where you're coming from but I think you should look at Chris Brown's perspective too. I mean yeah it's wrong to hit a girl, but Rihanna seems like a crazy b!tch and I'm sure Chris wouldn't have done that to her out of nothing ya know? I'm sure she did something to trigger his anger.

If I was a guy and some girl attacked me, I wouldn't hesitate to whoop a girl.

Anonymous said...

Amen to putting Chris Brown in jail. What a big pile of a disgraceful man he is. I can't stand to see this happen and yet it happens every single day around the world. So sad.

Samuel Lippke said...

Anoynomous. What the hell are you talking about? Have you read the story? read this. then come back and comment.

And how about staying off our jury panel yeah? There is no reason a man should beat a woman like this.

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