My Lovers

Friday, February 6, 2009

Only Unfulfilled Love can be Romantic...

I've been told, if you didn't know I had a boyfriend, You would never believed I had one. Just because I don't seem like the "girlfriend" type. I think it has a lot to do with my fathers absence in my life.

I made a promise to myself that I would get in contact with my father for the year of 2009, but I just can't seem to find my way to that promise. I don't even know where to being. He is the cure to my sadness. If I forgive him, maybe my love life will blossom and I will get past my bitterness towards the opposite sex.

I expect so much from one man. I want to be loved, adored, cherished, and breathed. Maybe because my father never did any of those things, let alone call me on my birthday.

I hate my birthdays for this very reason. It's a day I wish would pass... or maybe I wish I could just sleep through the whole thing.

I got accepted to Chico State. It's not my first choice, more like my last choice, but it's nice to know that a college thinks I, Justine, would be a productive student there. I'm still crossing my fingers for SD State or Long Beach.

I've always joined the OCC Coast Report school newspaper which prints every wed. I'm not sure I like the idea of my words being disected and chopped up after I've put so much work into it. These word choppers don't even know who I am or the message I'm trying to get across, so how could they do that? I guess I'm a bit sensitive with my writing, and someone else having to judge it.

Today the rain poured all day and it's going to pour all night. It's nice to just stay in, watch a movie, and drink some hott chocolate with my Matt. He still gives me butterflies...

This movie is amazing. Directed by Woody Allen so it has that weird zing to it. It's about love, passion, and life. I suggest you watch it, although I would def. change the ending to something more interesting, it's still worth it to watch.

"We are Meant for eachother and not meant for eachother, it's a contradiction."

I have met men like this in my life. It's sad, but like they say, only unfulfilled love can be romantic, because there is always the thought of what..could..have..been...


Anonymous said...

Go visit Chico State (in person) it is a sweet place. And um ... the best um greenery you'll ever find next to um Hawaii.

Fk your Dad. I say his loss. He should have made an effort. The only thing you need to know is that it is a 2-way street. If he is the way he is ... you are setting yourself up for more disappointment because of expectations and thinking it was YOUR fault. It isn't and wasn't. Get that in the brain ... forgive him and forget him and then turn the page and try to make your man relationships excellent in spite of him.

I hope you didn't get back together just for V-Day insurance ... that is BAD !!! IMHO.

Justine said...

hahahahaha no no no psh you know i could have found any lost puppy to treat me for Vday. any girl can.. but thank you...

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