Today, I woke up feeeling great! A bit sore, but in good spirits. Only the past couple days have been like this. The weeks before that felt like hell. I feel like I'm going through mental bootcamp and so far I am kicking ass.
As you know I have been training for my half marathon, and yesterday I DID IT! The day started out perfect. Woke up at 5 am before my alarm, had a small oatmeal breakfast/pre-workout drink and stretched with my running crew at home (Greg (moms boyfriend), mom, and Amy (moms friend!) Headed out to the beach, 4-Runner crammed and walked with the other 20,000 people to the start line.
The sun was out, the sky was clear. I couldn't have picked a more perfect day to run this race. I felt soo lucky. I heard in the past the weather for this event was horrible. Rainy, stormy, gloomy. Did a small warm up run. The energy there was indescribable. Just the energy of everyone pushed me for 80% of my run, the other 20% was mental strength.
The course was beautiful!!!!! Started at Shades Hotel on PCH, ran towards Warner. Took a small "hill" detour at Seapointe and continued towards Warner. Made a U turn back towards the finish line and was surprisingly at 9 miles already. So from 9 miles out, it was a straight shot back to the finish line with the beach to my right the whole way!
Greg and I stayed together the WHOLE ENTIRE WAY pushing and pacing each other till the very end! Thank you Greg, without you I would have burned out mile 7 :) With no injuries or stopping, I finished with an estimated (Garmin time) Hour and 48 minutes with Greg! The best half marathon I have ever been apart of or will ever be apart of. Now, what's next? haha another half marathon?!?!?
Took the day off work to rest my body. I spent the rest of the day laying in bed watching Superbowl commercials and the halftime show (Go Madonna! A facelift has never looked sooo goood!) Heading back to LA today (or tonight). Heading out to a Yoga class soon to stretch me out a bit. I can't really walk!!
Saturday shot the Spring 2012 lookbook for Stripe Boutique! Spent the day hiking through the hills of Lake Forest. I'll post pics soon :) But for now, heres a sneak peak.
My horoscope reminded me of something the other day. It read, "You have forgotten how powerful you are. And you are overlooking a few important facts: You have amazing willpower and determination..."
Lately I've been feeling so weak to a certain situation. Like I have no control over my feelings or my actions. I don't truly believe in horoscopes, just read them for fun, but this particular one really helped me that particular day and the days leading up to right now. I carried this with me for my run, and I will continue to carry it with me for the months of mental bootcamp to come.
Shortcuts only prolong the healing process, and I refuse to pick at my wounds. "Starting over is hard. Starting over again is even harder. Imagine how hard it is to start over again and again, and again."
Day 3 and going strong.
New New New at the Luna Boutique at the New Laguna Location!
you are my fitness inspiration!
you are amazing! never done a marathon, but i will soon now thanks to you
How do you avoid cramping in the calves? I ran my first half marathon and got bad charlie horse cramps at mile 10 =(
lack of potassium I'm guessing.. I goo at least twice while I do big runs. And keeping yourself HYDRATED is soooooo important. Not just while your running, but everyday.
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